Privacy Policy

Croydon College is committed to protecting the privacy of its students and staff to help them to stay safe and to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.

We hold and use personal data relating to students, staff, governors, volunteers, consultants, advisers, employers, enquirers, people in other organisations with whomwe have contact and other people who come into contact with the College, including on CCTV images. We do this for a range of purposes involved in providing education and support, meeting government and funding requirements and in running the College.

Personal data from you

When we collect personal data from you we will tell you:

  • why we are collecting the information
  • why we are allowed to hold and use it
  • who we will share it with or disclose it to
  • how long we intend to keep it, and
  • how we will protect it if we send it abroad.

If we need to hold and use your data as part of a contract we will say what the consequences would be if you didn’t provide it.

If we hold and use your data because we believe we have a legitimate reason for doing so, we will tell you what that reason is so that you can challenge it if you believe your right to privacy is stronger. If you make a challenge, you can ask us to stop using the information until the matter has been decided.

Personal data from elsewhere

If we obtain your personal data from another person or organisation we will tell you:

  • what that data is
  • where it is coming from and if that is a publicly accessible source
  • why we are obtaining it
  • why we are allowed to hold and use it
  • who we will share it with or disclose it to
  • how long we intend to keep it, and
  • how we will protect it if we send it abroad.

If we hold and use your data because we believe we have a legitimate reason for doing so, we will tell you what that reason is so that you can challenge it if you believe your right to privacy is stronger. If you make a challenge, you can ask us to stop using the data until the matter has been decided.

Automated decisions

We do not use any software designed to make decisions automatically which affect you.


We will use appropriate measures to protect personal data from unauthorised access. If an incident occurs which may affect your privacy we will tell you as soon as possible.

Your rights

You have a right to receive a copy of the personal data which the College holds about you. You may request this data by writing to the College’s Data Protection Officer at the address below, specifying the data you require. In most cases there will be no charge for doing this. You have the right to ask to know:

  • whether we are holding your personal data
  • what we are holding and using it for
  • what types of your personal data we have
  • where we obtained the personal data from (if not from you)
  • who we are sharing that personal data with, or disclosing it to
  • how long we intend to keep it, and
  • what safeguards we use if we send any of the data abroad.

If any of your personal data which we are holding is wrong, you have the right to ask for it to be corrected. You can also ask us to stop using the data until we have made the correction.

If you believe that there is no reason for us to continue using your personal data you can ask for us to erase it from our records. Whether we can do that will depend on why we are holding and using your data.

You can ask us to retain your personal data without using it if there is no reason for us to keep it, but you need us to retain it in order to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim.

You can ask for a copy of your personal data in a portable format, providing it is data which we hold on a computer and which you supplied to us either with your consent or in connection with a contractual arrangement.

You have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office about how we hold and use your personal data. If you do so they will normally expect you first of all to have given us an opportunity to correct any errors or inaccuracies. The ICO’s address is Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF; their phone number is 0303 123 1113 and their web site is


Where you have given us your consent to hold and use your personal data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. If you do so you will need to put that clearly in writing to us. If you withdraw consent we will not be able to provide the service you consented to receiving.

Contact details

To contact the Data Protection Officer, email, phone (020) 8686 5700 or write to the Data Protection Officer, Croydon College, College Road Croydon CR9 1DX.