Name: Elisa Piras

Subjects studying: Criminology, Sociology, Social Justice

Why did you decide to study here at Croydon College?

I was just looking around for a degree that I could complete locally. I had a few options but when I visited here, I really liked the look of the facilities. Also, I loved the idea of having 3 big subjects that I’m really passionate about in one.

What made you decide to study Criminology?

Before Croydon College, I had completed a scientific diploma with psychology and sociology. From this, I knew that I wanted to work in the area of criminology.

How did you find the course you are studying at Croydon College?

Since I knew that I wanted to complete a degree in Criminology, I searched for a related course online and found this course on the UCAS website. I really liked the look of what the course was about, so I applied.

You are part of the Appropriate Adult Scheme. How did it come about and what does it involve?

As part of the course I am studying, I knew it would be great to take part in some form of volunteering that is related to the course. One of my classmates mentioned the Appropriate Adult Scheme, and I liked the sound of it. There are several aspects of the scheme including working in Croydon Custody. It is a great experience getting to know the procedures of Police custody and how to deal with vulnerable individuals.

Do you have any advice for students coming to study here?

Always listen to your teachers, read books and articles related to your course, take part in work experience or volunteering schemes to boost your knowledge and keep yourself busy with things you’re interested in.


If you’re interested in studying at Croydon College, check out our courses today.


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