Student and staff engagement
We’re working with our students and staff to ensure everyone plays their part and all have the opportunity to help shape and influence our sustainability policy and outcomes.
Some of the ways we will work towards achieving this include:
- Ensure Student Voice leads
- Increase levels of recycling across both campuses.
- Introducing paperless committees
- Encourage use of cycling and walking to get to college.
- Working with the Students’ Union / Student Voice to promote environmentally sustainable activities and behaviours, leading on projects, campaigns and engagement weeks
- Working with external stakeholders and the local community to develop and promote sustainable activities
- Ensure that catering promotes sustainable practices, such as plant-based options and ethical sourcing.
- Placing food sustainability at the heart of our offer and focus on providing affordable, healthy and environmentally sustainable food across campus’s.
What we are doing:
- Online learning and online examinations means less printing for classroom materials
- Examine ways we can discard wastage eg chemicals in Science, acrylic paint in Art, hair dye in Hair and Beauty, and so on
- Continuously looking at ways to adapt our curriculum across all areas to align with our strategies eg introducing the study of hybrid/electric cars in our Motor Vehicle curriculum
- Ensuring that our partners meet our objectives
- Reducing and removing the number of desktop printers across both campuses
- Current recycling rates stand at 67% at our Croydon campus and 40% at our Coulsdon campus
- Investing in electric point chargers for our car parks with the aim to have 2 installed at our Coulsdon campus by Summer 2021