Why did you decide to study a degree in Business and Management?

I’ve always been interested in how businesses work and how they are managed. When doing my research for the course, I noticed the wide range of topics that I would be studying including business law, marketing and finance which encouraged me to apply for the course even more.


Why did you choose to study at Croydon College?

After studying Level 3 Business at Croydon College, I made personal and academic developments. The lecturers are encouraging and motivating – they want you to do your best. The College also caters for individual students’ needs which not many other Colleges could offer. Therefore, I knew it was the right option to study Level 4 Business and Management here.


Have you experienced any challenges during your time here?

My main challenge at first was balancing childcare and completing my assignments. It is hard work but if you put your head into it you can do it. Although sometimes I would feel it may be impossible, the lecturers encouraged me and my son motivated me to do my best. Additionally, having fallen pregnant again I was exhausted but fellow students and lecturers motivated me and pushed me through it.


What have been your highlights studying at Croydon College?

I have met some amazing peers in my class. Everyone at the College is so supportive, no matter what you’re going through. Also, the opportunities we have been given such as meeting Chef Malcolm John are simply amazing!


Do you have any advice for future students?

If you are thinking about studying at Croydon College, don’t be afraid to phone up and ask questions. It is important to do your research to ensure the course and place of study is perfect for you.


What’s next for you?

Upon completion of my Business and Management degree I’ll use all the information and experience I’ve been given to start my own business. I can’t wait to get started!

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