You completed your Access Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications with us at Croydon College. Tell me more about this.

Yes,  I started my Access studies at Croydon College back in 2014. I completed Access to University, Nursing Level 2 in 2017 which was needed in order to gain admission into University Centre Croydon where I studied Adult Nursing. Studying at Croydon College has made me appreciate my capabilities even more and learn to become proud of my achievements.


Have you always aspired to be a Nurse?

From an early age, I knew I wanted to be a Nurse. I’ve always had a natural instinct to care for and look after people so to be able to utilise this skill in the work place is important for me. Nurses and Doctors across the world are truly inspriring and I can’t wait to get involved!


What have been your highlights whilst studying here at Croydon College?

During my studies here, I have been fortunate enough to take part in so many opportunities. I took part in a charity walk for people living with Cancer at Croydon University Hospital and I also featured in Croydon Magazine to celebrate my fundraising efforts. I participated in various events for National HIV Testing Week and World Aids day for Croydon Council in both 2015 and 2016. I think my proudest moment was when I was given a Recognition of Achievement Award for the 2016/17 academic year at my graduation.


Have you experienced any challenges? If so, how have you overcome these?

Yes,  I started college as a mature student with many responsibilities. Balancing my studies alongside my full time job was extremely difficult at first but I soon got used to it.  I had to learn to plan my time wisely in order to meet deadlines which has helped me develop my time management skills. I spent most of my break time in the Library and I received academic support where needed. Words of encouragement from staff, particularly Kathleen Hawke, really helped me overcome those difficult moments.


Do you have any advice for future students?

Be focused and determined to succeed and do not give up. If you feel you are struggling with the topic, don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek help. If I have learnt anything, it is to be organised and use your time wisely.


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