A group of Croydon College Level 3 Information Technology students visited Oasis Academy Ryelands on Wednesday 4 March to work with a group of primary school children to test out mobile Apps that they have been developing in class.

The App they presented to the school children was intended to help young children perform arithmetic with whole numbers between 1 and 12. The brief of the App was to ensure it had colour, music and other sounds that would appeal to young children.

Lecturer Christopher Hunt, said ‘The exercise was very useful- We collected more than 100 reviews within an hour alone. Full credit goes to Kian Riley who not only collected the most reviews, but also gained the highest average rating for his App.’

Samantha Francis, Assistant Principal and Head of Maths at Oasis Academy Ryelands was very pleased with the visit.  She appreciated the calm approach of the students and the presence of young male role models – who are not often seen in the Primary School environment.

If you would like to study IT at Croydon College, click here to view our range of courses.

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