Business Administrator Level 3 Apprentice, Feras Masraf, returned to Croydon College to give us an update on what he has been up to.

Hi Feras, why did you decide to do an apprenticeship? I decided to do an apprenticeship because I wanted to learn whilst I was earning a wage. I wanted to experience what it was like to have a job and I was keen to learn more about business administration.

What have you learned as an apprentice? This apprenticeship has given me many things; in particular, knowledge and a greater understanding of the business world, collaborative skills, more confidence and the courage to speak up for myself. My training at Croydon College and my qualification as an apprentice enabled me to stretch myself and apply for a better paid, more challenging job.

What are doing at the moment? I’m now working for the NHS – I love the responsibility, the team spirit and the possibility of career growth.

What are your plans for the future? My plans for the future would be to get to Band 5 at work which is a manager role (I’m currently on band 2). Having worked my way up the management ladder I’d like to be in a position to have my own home and ultimately start a family.

Overall, how has your experience as an apprentice been? I’ve really enjoyed my apprenticeship. I had fun with the other apprentices and I felt truly supported by Croydon College and my tutors who have helped me every step of the way.

If you are interested in earning whilst you learn and want to equip yourself with all the tools you need to kick-start your career, apply now for an apprenticeship.

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