What inspired you to become a Motor Vehicle Lecturer?

My inspiration to become a Motor Vehicle lecturer is simply the satisfaction I get of passing on my skills and knowledge to the next generation of Mechanics and watching them succeed.


What do you love most about your role?

I love the planning and delivery of my lessons to students. I also really enjoy receiving the positive feedback from my students who clearly reap the benefits of what I’m teaching them.


What have you learnt whist teaching here?

I’ve learnt so many new skills to help me succeed in my role as a lecturer including, IT skills, team-work skills, leadership skills, and what it takes to meet the social & psychological needs of young people in learning.


Have you taken part in any exciting opportunities?

By working here at Croydon College, I now work closer with the IMI (Institute of the Motor Industry) and attend their Annual Awards Dinners. This year, one of our students was nominated for an outstanding achievement award, which has inspired me to work closer with the Motor Industry in hope of preparing Croydon College students to step confidently into the world of work.


How have you found Online teaching during the pandemic?

It has been very interesting. Every student’s learning curve needs plenty of planning and there is no room for deviation. The delivery of lessons have been successful and I’ve introduced 1:1 sessions with my students. Not all of the students are comfortable with this style of learning so it’s not been easy for everyone. However, given the circumstances my students are embracing learning and working hard.


Are you looking forward to welcoming back students?

Very much, I can sense from conversations with students they miss the mentoring of close contact with their Tutors.

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