Croydon College will be opening its doors from September 7th to support all students looking to take their next step in education, regardless of their results.

With the recent issues regarding the A-Level results and with some not getting the GCSE grades and BTEC grades they had hoped for there have been many young people impacted who might not be sure what their future options are.

At Croydon College students can stay near to home and study everything from BTEC to apprenticeships, diplomas to degree courses, there is something for all ages and abilities.

For many, circumstances have changed and they may want to consider joining a different degree course or changing direction and take on an apprenticeship to get straight into the workplace or may  still be unsure about a career path and want to try something different with a flexible online learning course.

At Croydon College the staff can talk through a wide variety of options, along with the funding available and details of how they can support each student to take this next important step.

Caireen Mitchell, CEO and Principal, Croydon College said: “This has been a very difficult year for a number of students across the borough and the UK. We are keen to ensure that every person is able to achieve their full potential and will support all students to reach their goals. Our staff are always on hand to advise people on what their options can be and more than ever we encourage potential students to contact us through phone, online or in person so we can support them into a new course that is right for them.”

For more information please visit

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