Since the 4th of February in room 420, before entering the main competition, our Maths students have been attending the Practice Maths Final where they performed well with a range of activities to enhance their Maths skills.

On Monday 3rd March, a group of 12 smart and outstanding students went to Southwark College for the FE Maths Challenge Regional Final – organised by MEI (Mathematics Education Innovation). This event was primarily focused on maths skills and teamwork competing against 7 different colleges, to face the Maths challenge.

At 11 am, Martin Newton announced the rules and explained the scoring. The first activity was assigned to match the maths questions to the solutions and given 20 minutes to complete the puzzle set. The Go Forth Team at Croydon College beat the time record of other colleges.

The second activity was the Kahoot quiz, which was the main activity that had the most points so that the team could earn more. Each group worked hard and made a good effort.

Now that the Go Forth Team has officially won the final, the members of the team have received gold medals and a trophy to represent the victory for Croydon College.

Overall, this has been an exciting experience and a lovely journey to Southwark College.

Thanks for inviting us! We are looking forward to next year!!!!

Report written by: Ali Quraishi (GCSE Maths Student)

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