Croydon College have again been awarded the Mayor’s Construction Academy (MCA) Quality Mark.

The MCA aims to help people in London train for the skills needed to access careers in the construction industry.

The Quality Mark sets a high bar for construction skills training provision in London, recognising those organisations that demonstrate that they are addressing industry skills needs, providing quality in terms of the curriculum, routes in to employment and links with employers. It is awarded to high quality providers who can meet the Quality Mark criteria.

MCA Quality Mark providers are reviewed each year to ensure quality is maintained.

Caireen Mitchell, Principal and CEO, Croydon College said “As a College focusing on vocational courses across a number of industries, we are delighted to have been recognised again for our construction provision. With a range of apprenticeships and other courses available covering a range of specialisms within the sector we do have something to offer every student interested in a career path in construction. With the Government’s continued push to ‘build back better’ the construction industry has never been more important and it is essential that we train our students for the skills they need to achieve their ambitions and fill the job roles for the future.”

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