Our creative arts students’ end of year exhibition, Unlocked, has been a huge success, from its amazing opening night to its community engagement, and even a visit from a local school.

To find out more about the creative talents on display this week, we caught up with one of our music students, JD (19).

Hi JD! What are you studying at Croydon College?

I study Music Level 2.

Why did you choose Music?

I love music and I love singing. In the future, I hope to be a well-known singer and use my platform to help young people like me who have hardships in their life. I’d also like to help my family and help them accomplish their dreams.

Are you enjoying your course?

Yes! I enjoy making music and finding my own style. Who knows, I could have a number one hit in the future.

How would you describe your experience at Croydon College?

It’s been a blast! I’ve never been so happy.

What advice would you give to new students or those considering studying at Croydon College?

I’d give the same advice I give to my friends: do your best and don’t let anybody tell you who you are, or what to do with your life. God loves you. I love you. There are going to be obstacles but they will teach you about yourself and help you stand on your own two feet, and go your own way.

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