Do you have a background in commercial property, audit and risk or cyber security? Do you live in Croydon or have an interest in the educational and professional development of Croydon’s population? Do you have the ability to think strategically and to make informed decisions in a stimulating environment? Can you commit to some evening meetings (usually Wednesdays, with Audit Committee meetings on Thursdays)?

We currently have two vacancies on the Board of Governors at the Croydon College Group – Croydon College, Coulsdon Sixth Form College and Croydon University Centre. We are particularly interested in recruiting Governors with skills and experience in the areas of Commercial Property and Audit/Risk/Cyber Security. We are always seeking to increase the diversity of our Board so please get in touch.

Induction, training and development is provided for all new Governors.

If you’d like to find out more about our current vacancies and to apply, please contact the Director of Governance, Clare Mitchell on 07989217807 or  Shortlisting and interviews are likely to take place in September 2021.

Further information on Croydon College and the Board of Governors can be found here

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Big Idea Challenge Competition

Big Idea Challenge Competition

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