Croydon College was thrilled to receive recognition for the quality of its work with its apprentices, beating off stiff competition to win the Apprentice Employer of the Year Award at the Croydon Business Excellence Awards 2017.

The Apprentice Employer of the Year Award  recognises the quality of support provided by an employer for its Apprentices. This year’s Business Excellence Awards was held  in association with Gatwick Airport and celebrated the achievements of the business community in Croydon, London’s fastest growing economy.

Judges of the Apprentice Employer of the Year Award ,Rosaleen Liard Chief Executive Officer and James Kelly Operations Director of Chequers praised Croydon College. Ros Liard said, the College is “known by Croydon as a provider of education, but for those apprentices who attended the judging they left us in no doubt that our winner is for them an employer of choice!”

Upon receiving the award on behalf of the Croydon College Tom Collins Assistant Principal Apprenticeships said…

Croydon College’s apprenticeship work involves supporting businesses through a high quality apprenticeship programme, but we also employ and support apprentices ourselves in the College and it is very pleasing to have the quality of this work recognised. We see our apprentices as future key members of staff and potential managers of the future. We consider the investment in our internal apprenticeship offer crucial to the continued success of the business”.

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