Croydon College alumnus Rohan Daniel Eason returned to the college to give us an update on what he has been up to since leaving. Here is what he had to share with us.

What course did you study, Rohan? I studied Printmaking and Book Arts course in 2001 and achieved a Bachelors Honours degree

Why did you choose the course? I had a bad experience at my university prior to Croydon College and it was one university that actually accepted me without seeing a portfolio at the time because they just knew I needed a place. The course was a real-life saver.

What did you enjoy about the course?  What I really enjoyed about the course was that it delved into the use of your hand, the technical skills of being an artist and a creativity which is kind of forgotten all about. It gave me practical knowledge and I learned to fall in love with making books through Croydon College.

Overall, how was your experience at Croydon College?  It was great. The one thing I got at Croydon College was support; massive support.

Is there any advice you would give future students? One of the greatest lessons I learnt in Croydon College was self-reliance; being unrecognised at the start of your career and being without anything to help you. You have to use your own knowledge and your time, energy and effort to forge your way in the world.

The main thing is to keep striving for what’s best in you, what you can achieve and never fall back on names or people you know; it’s always about you. You’re going to be spending the rest of your life doing this because nobody else needs you to do it. It is just you that needs to do this creative thing,

this passion, so it is going to be down to you. There may be lonely hours doing it but you have to be strong and keep going.

Since leaving Croydon College, Rohan has gone on to forge a successful 15-year career as a professional illustrator having his artwork published in over 30 books. The alumnus has also been a part of record-breaking advertising campaigns and countless other projects in the world today. You can see some of his artwork below.

You can check out more of Rohan’s work on his website .

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