As part of Black History Month, Croydon College had the pleasure of welcoming Beverley Braithwaite to speak to our Access to Nursing and Health and Social Care students. Beverley is an accomplished nurse in the medical field and spoke to the students about her experiences as a Caribbean nurse. Currently studying for a PhD, Beverley has written a book on nursing, Diverse Communities With a Focus on Black and Brown People.

Beverley shared her knowledge and experiences with the students. The talk was interactive with quizzes and statistics. Only 48.1 % of the registered nursing work force in London is Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic – BAME. The author and PhD student explained, “When I did my training pre-1992, there were a few places that did a degree. We’ve only been a 4-degree programme since 2017/8.” It takes 3 years to become a registered nurse or there are options such as the 4-year Masters degree delivered at Croydon University Centre in partnership with the University of Roehampton.

Students found the talk engaging and were very interested in how the nursing sector has evolved over the years with more members of the BAME ethnic group joining the sector. Beverley also reminded the students to consider that this is just the beginning of their journey.

Special thank you to Beverly Braithwaite for coming in and sharing her experiences as a Caribbean Nurse.


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