In its recent gender pay gap report, the Croydon College group has seen the gap fall from 5.34% in favour of male employees in 2020 to 4.25% in 2021.

Nationally, the mean gender pay gap is around 9.7% in favour of males according to sector-specific data, meaning the College is doing better at closing that gap.

Caireen Mitchell, Principal and CEO said: “At Croydon College we are proud of our diverse staff and student community, we promote and celebrate inclusion and recognise diversity as a key strength.

“As we celebrated International Women’s Day on 8 March 2021, this report is a significant step forward.  However, we realise there is more work to do and we will work to close the pay gap further.

“In the report, you will see that the pay quartiles data shows a significant percentage of female workers (75%) in the lowest pay quartile, while female workers represent 55% of the upper pay quartile. Further analysis of the data is required to understand why this is the case and put actions in place to address these inequalities in pay.”

The latest report can be found here.

The College will also be using it’s recently-approved HR Strategy to create an inclusive and appreciative culture with equality & diversity at the core. One deliverable will be to ensure the College has meaningful EDI (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion) data and to enable the creation of an equality action plan with specific, realistic, and measurable actions to address areas of under-representation. Once developed, these action plans will be developed in a collaborative way and shared with staff and stakeholders.


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