Why did you choose to study Film and Photography at Croydon College?

I chose this course because I wanted to develop and refine my photography skills. I’ve always been passionate about photography but recently I’ve taken my hobby to a whole new level by learning a range of professional techniques. By doing this course, I know I’ll be able to gain valuable experience and learn how to use alternative equipment in order for me to become a professional photographer.


What do you love about Croydon College?

Croydon College has extraordinary resources and opportunities available to help the students pursue their dreams. For me, this is my photography career. The teachers are very passionate about what they do so I know that I’m learning from the best! By studying here, I’ve been encouraged to explore out of my comfort zone so that I can expand my knowledge and skillset.


Have you experienced any challenges?

I quite often doubt what I am truly capable of in photography. I used to overly criticise my work and believe that key aspects of my photography were wrong. However, I now look out for things I’ve done well in my work whilst taking on board constructive criticism so that I’m always improving. As a result, I have now invested in some more advanced equipment and put much more time aside during my week to practise my photography skills. I know I’m not at the level where I need to be yet, but with plenty of practise and if I keep taking every opportunity to learn and develop, I will get there!


What have been your highlights whilst studying at Croydon College?

A highlight of studying here has been the encouragement from staff to really push myself and keep practising my photography skills. I love that I can study a broad range of topics in my course and use a wide range of equipment. I have had access to a dark room and use film cameras which were brand new experiences for me. I also enjoyed the stylistic photographic sessions in the style of film noir where we used tungsten lighting and blinds to create the typical film noir aesthetic.


What are your aspirations once when you finish this course?

I would love to turn my hobby into a career. But firstly, I want to continue travelling and documenting the architecture of various buildings to kick-start my photography profession. I’m going to one day set up my own photography business where I can sell prints of my images, editing packs for other photographers, and carry out photoshoots for events such as weddings.

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