We are proud to announce that our very own Lisa Williams has made the semi-finals of the Fimba European Championship with Great Britain’s women’s basketball team. The sports lecturer at Croydon College stated:

It was truly amazing to see women of all ages still competing at a high level. The games were physical and demanding. We played 6 full games in 8 days – something I don’t think I have ever done before in my playing career!


I am proud that my GB team made it to the Semi-finals, beating the Latvian team to get there. The semi-final game was probably the best game ever. We left it all on the floor, with no favours from the referees., We played as a unit to try and upset the competition favourites – Poland – who had dominated the whole tournament and went on to be our division champions.


We made history as the first team in our age group to compete at the European Championships and are now in the Top 4 in Europe! I will forever be proud of this achievement. Competing in Malaga has reminded me of what is needed to win at this level, and I am geared up to train and get back in shape for the Fimba World Championships next year in South America! Watch out world…here comes GB!

Congratulations to Lisa and the rest of the Great Britain’s women’s basketball team on such a great achievement!


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